Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"________ Tuesday"

I'm hoping to do regular weekly updates/posts so, I've been thinking of names to give it/them. "To-Do Tuesday"? "Tightwad Tuesday"? ?? Guess I'll just focus on posting on a regular basis first, then see what works itself up... :)

I wanted to share my latest STEAL DEALS with you! Heeey, "STEAL DEALS Tuesday"?! Could work...!? Moving on; There are some great resources out there for branding, marketing and promoting yourself, no matter what field you're in-for cheap! The two I'd like to highlight today are Shutterfly and MOO.

If you sign-up to receive emails from Shutterfly you are bound to come across some great deals! They are always offering items for FREE (books, shipping, prints, etc)! 
Take this little beauty for example:

This book regularly costs $29.99+$7.99 (shipping and handling)=approx $40 it's features are: hard cover, professionally bound, 20 pages ($1 each additional page) and printed on high quality paper. Right now they're offering 20% off until Feb 1, 2011. That takes the price down to $23.99 and only $.80/add. page. Guess how much I paid for this gem?! $8.55!!! That's right I only paid for shipping and a $.56 tax! There are over 50 different pictures in my book! I absolutely LOVE it...even more-so because of the cost. I set it up as a portfolio; describing my business and such, complete with an 'about me' page. SIGN UP TO RECEIVE SHUTTERFLY'S emails!!

This next item is something I can not wait to order more of!! I want MOOooooore! :)

they come in this nifty little box that serves a double duty-to protect and display! OH! And it's recyclable! That's triple duty!

Let's talk cost...we all know business cards can get expensive! Especially, when it comes to full customization. Not with MOO! 50, double-sided, full color business cards regularly costs $21.99+ $5.50 (shipping and handling)=approx $28. Not too bad. Now, let's play the guessing game again!! Guess how much I paid?! $5.50!!!

They are fully customizable and each card can have a different picture on it! It's like a pocket portfolio! The quality of these cards blew me away! I almost hate the idea of having to give them away!!

What could have cost me almost $70 to help me promote my business only cost me $14.05! W-O-W!!! That's approx $54 in savings! 

Growing your business CAN get expensive but, it doesn't HAVE to be!

p.s. I just wanted to brag/show off my first prop I found and bought for $25!!! You prob won't believe me when you see it but, it's true-I tell no lies. Here she is...
I know it's not the best picture of it but, you get the idea. It's huge! Velvetty! Red!! All around beautiful, it was love at first sight!

Here it is in action:


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